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Corinth: Bungee Jumping

What an experience! I'm so happy I got to check bungee jumping AND visiting Corinth off my Greek bucket list in the same day.

It was fantastic! After debriefing and getting all our equipment on, we ventured out onto the bridge that overlooked the famous Corinth Canal, (Διώρυγα της Κορίνθου). I assumed my role as the typical tourist photographer and patiently waited my turn while taking pictures of all of my friends' first time bungee jumping. This also conveniently kept my mind off of what I was about to do which definitely helped ease my nerves.

As cliche as it sounds, the feeling was unlike anything I've ever felt before. I played it cool leading up to the actual leap of faith. It wasn't until I was at the edge of the platform and my countdown began that I really understood what was about to happen. Although I was wearing a harness and had the bungee attached to me, I couldn't shake the feeling that when I jumped, I wouldn't be caught. I didn't allow myself the time to think it through though otherwise the sensible side of me would have taken back control and made me stop before it was too late. I remember psyching myself out by staring at how high up I was until the worker instructed me to only look forward. The space below was so open and the fear was so real. I mean what sane person willingly throws them self off a bridge?

As they counted down from 5 I couldn't stop yelling "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh" over and over and over again until I jumped and then I screamed. About half way down I started to realize how high up I actually was because I was still falling which was so incredible. Eventually I reached the end of my rope and swung from one side of the bridge to the other. I had a breathtaking, upside-down view of both sides of the canal and the deep blue water.

And by breathtaking, I mean literally breathtaking. I don't think I actually breathed again until I heard them yell my name indicating me to release my feet which flipped me upright again. I hung out there for a few minutes more until a metal clip was lowered down to me. I hooked myself in, and they pulled me back up to the platform I had just jumped off moments before.

Surprisingly, the only discomfort I felt during the whole experience didn't come until after when I had a sore neck similar to if you sleep on it funny and irritated ankles from the ankle weights they had us wear (pictured below). We also decided to go barefoot in order to feel "more free."

Afterwards, we headed straight to lunch to eat some well-deserved gyros and calm down from our adrenaline highs. Thank you, Katie for organizing such an unforgettable, free-falling trip to Corinth!

Pictured: Katie Nicholson

Jumping Group! (PC: Zip-Lining Guy)

" by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

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