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My Family: The Tofautes

The Tofaute Family

Family pictures are always a little crazy when you're photographing 15 people. But even crazier than that is when you, the photographer, also have to be in those family pictures! I'm here to say it can be done with a lot of cooperation, planning, and patience. So thank you family for being so patient with me. (Yes, I'm taking to you boys and children under 11. I know you'd rather be doing anything else but getting your picture taken but I greatly appreciated the time you gave me.)

About the setup...

There are two things you'll absolutely need when you're capturing your own memories: a tripod and a remote. You'll need these in order to control the camera while you're modeling in the shot.

What you can't see in the image above is the remote antenna in between mine and my dad's head (we're on the far left in navy). I was able to keep it hidden enough so it wouldn't obviously pop out in the picture.

Another good practice is to test the shot a couple times ahead of time before you jump into the picture yourself. This allows you to make sure everything is exposed correctly and to check that everyone in focus!

This also helps when you have to pass on the camera to someone who maybe isn't as experienced with a fancy camera as you are to ensure they get the shot you were going for. Sometimes a little coaching is necessary. But for the most part, anyone can take a great picture as long as they have a vague idea of what they're doing.

About the location...

So now that you know the technical set-up of the shoot, let me tell you about the location we found. Myrtle Beach is gorgeous with it's sand-dune beaches and pastel-colored skies. But it's also famously windy.

This little spot at the end of the street we stayed on was the perfect location to counteract the winds. We were positioned between buildings and sand dunes on this large sandy beach to act as a shield. We also chose the perfect evening to take pictures on so that it wasn't too humid or too hot. We really lucked out with timing on that one.

Let me introduce you to my family...

First we have the grandparents, or as us kids call them, Nona and Poppie. Their actual names are Jay and Pricilla, but little me wouldn't have known who you were talking about if you called them by that. Nona and Poppie have 4 children - Todd, Tracy, Thad, and Ted... 3 children-in-law - Lynn, George, and Lori... And 7 grandchildren, who you'll meet later.

Poppie and Nona

Jay and Pricilla Tofaute

Next we have my family - the Arizona Tofautes. My dad, Todd, is the oldest of his 3 siblings. He is married to my mom, Lynn, and together they have 3 children - Jessie (me), Brie, and Chas.

The Tofaute Family

The Tofaute Family

Then we have the Watson Family. My aunt Tracy is the second oldest of the 4 adult children. She married George (or uncle Porgie as he's more commonly known), and they have Abby (who is the oldest grandchild), Michael, and Anna.

The Watson Family

And finally we have the Ohio Tofautes. Uncle Thad married his high school sweetheart, Lori, and they have Theda (the youngest grandchild).

The Tofaute Family

Now that you've met the family, please enjoy all these other pictures from the photoshoot. (Click to enlarge a picture or to read the caption that accompanies it.)

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