London, Round 2

The best moments my friends and I shared in London were the unexpected ones, like stopping in Kensington Gardens to build a leaf pile or dancing the night away at Winter Wonderland.
Yes, we still set aside time to see the London classics like Big Ben and Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross (for us Harry Potter lovers), but these are not the memories that will stick out in my mind when I remember this trip.
I will remember ice skating outside of the Natural History Museum and getting lost in the best company. Getting lost always turned into finding wonderful places we would have never thought of seeing, like cool statues, Cereal Killer Cafe, and intriguing graffitied streets.
I will remember spending a good few hours exploring Harrod's and playing "guess how much this is" with Katie in the overpriced-children-clothes section (one little girl coat costs more than every piece of clothing in my closet combined).
I will remember the overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my friends (old and new), indescribable feelings, and how blessed I am to be in such an amazing place which such great people. Which was a quite fitting mood to be in considering it was Thanksgiving weekend - my first Thanksgiving spent away from my family AND in another country!
London is a place I could explore for months on end and still not see everything I'd like to. One day, I hope to stay longer than 4 or 5 days, but either way I'll be back for you, London.

"Statue in Kensington Gardens: The Albert Memorial"

"Elizabeth on a London Street"

"Fall in Kensington Gardens"
Models: Heylin Bernath, Katie Nicholson and Elizabeth Sorola