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Aegina, Greece


Despite having my camera run out of battery and my GoPro mysteriously break at the beginning of my adventure to the island of Aegina, I still had a pretty awesome day!

Ticket to Adventure

After getting to the island by ferry, my friends and I road ATVs, explored beaches, and indulged ourselves in an authentic Greek dinner by the sea. We also found out that the Aegina islanders apparently harvest pistachios. They sell them all over the island and even make them into cream spreads and candies. I, of course, had to buy a bag or two for the ride back home.

White Water

Sadly, I didn't get many pictures because of my electronic difficulties, but I did get a few before my camera died.

Aegina Church
Ferry Ride - Bailee
Little Boat in Aegina

I'm grateful for cheap day trips to gorgeous islands and fun days with new friends. Now, if only my backup charger would arrive from Amazon, and I could figure out how to fix my GoPro.

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