European Ski Trip

This weekend I went skiing on a snowy mountain top in Greece called Kalavryta. It was a gorgeous day with enjoyable weather, however, 3 things did go wrong...
1. I made the mistake of not buying the more expensive lift ticket, so my skiing adventure was restrained to the bunny hill.
2. A Greek lady fell on top of me while getting off the ski lift, but I survived the incident with nothing but a rope burn (from the lift). I'd also like to note that I successfully asked if she was okay and let her know that I was also okay completely in Greek. It was a proud moment for me and my struggling Greek language abilities.
3. We added 2+ hours to our 3 hour drive back home due to a farmer's protest blocking the freeway. I kid you not, there were a bunch of farmers, with their tractors, blocking the entrance to the freeway. These Greek politics and protests are killing my travel plans - a similar thing happened last semester when a series of protests prevented me from getting to my train for Meteora by public transportation.
Despite these minor mishaps, I still had a great day. No serious injuries or problems, and I improved my skiing skills a fair amount! I'm determined to one day master the art of skiing, and by master I mean get over my fear of steep-ish slopes.
I'm so blessed with this opportunity to travel, adventure, and experience new things. Life is so good, and I thank God for it everyday.

"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed." Psalm 20:4
*All pictures taken on a GoPro HERO4*