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"Sunshine Gonna Wash My [Homesick] Blues Away"

"Sunshine Gonna Wash My [Homesick] Blues Away" -Zac Brown Band

Well, it's about that time in the school year. The stress of midterms is over, spring is here, and I can just about taste summer with the warmer days just perfect enough to do homework outside. These early signs of summer mixed with my loved ones being at my "home-home," more than 7,000 miles away, has me anticipating my return back to good ol' Gilbert, Arizona.

Luckily, I'm blessed enough to have this beautiful country to hold me over until that happens! I revisited the island of Hydra, Greece this past weekend. The trip was made complete with cliff jumping, a meal by the sea, and donkey rides down beautiful Greek streets. My friends and I also may have had a photoshoot in the flowers by the ocean (pictured below), but who wouldn't with a view like this?

"The Ocean is Calling"

I know I'll miss all of this as soon as I get home but I can't help but be a little people-sick (that's what I'm really missing about Gilbert) for the ones I've been away from for more that 7 months... I'll see you soon-ish Gilbert family and friends!

In the meantime, you can either find me taking pictures of flowers (my new favorite hobby) or "knee deep in the water somewhere" in Greece (Zac Brown Band). Okay well more like knee deep in homework and essays for my online classes, but still.

"Purple Beauties"

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