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Study Abroad is... OVER???

The Ultimate Acropolis View

After a whirlwind of adventures, new friendships, and a minimal amount of actual studying, my grand study abroad adventure is officially OVER! How do I feel? Well it's hard to say... I'm definitely sad that I can no longer call Greece my home, and I would be lying if I said I won't miss my weekend trips to new countries, but I'm also super excited for all the memories I have yet to create. I can confidently say that I've caught the travel bug and can't wait to start planning my upcoming trips!

I've already been overwhelmingly blessed with a lifetime full of amazing experiences in my short 20 years, and I cannot thank God enough for this life He's allowing me to live. One verse that I started out my 8 months of travel with and now am ending it with is Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." I find so much comfort in this one truth, and I full heartedly believe my God will be right there with me through all the adventures of my life, not just this one. I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me!

Thanks again to everyone who's kept in touch with me while I was away, it's really meant a lot. And a huge shoutout to my parents who have supported and encouraged me from beginning to end. I hope you've all enjoyed my pictures and stories of my travels and adventures. And if you didn't, I'm sad to inform you that I have a ton more to post in the future! I am also in the process of working on a video to recap my trip, but that one might take a while being the perfectionist I am. In the meantime, I hope to catch up on some blog posts that I didn't get around to sharing with you in the height of my travels.

Now to find a job, hopefully grow my photography business, and finally catch up on editing, organizing, and posting pictures. Wish me luck!

Cheers, Greece!

Cheers to the best school year of my life, Greece! Ευχαριστώ πολύ ("thank you very much") for everything!

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