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Final Project: Nature Photography

Finals have started! Can you believe it?

Today my nature photography final assignment is due. The assignment is to capture new and improved landscape and macro pictures.

I wanted to take the desert home I'm used to and show its beauty through the use of my skills I've developed over the course of this class.

All these images were taken near the Hieroglyphic Trail trailhead overlooking the Superstition Mountains. I love this hike. It's amazing to me how God can make what is supposed to be a barren and lifeless place so vibrant and beautiful!

As always, I know I there's lots of room for improvement, but take a look at the images I took on my desert walk last week and let me know what you think!

Hieroglyphic Trail
Black and White Cactus
The Arizona View
Jumping Cholla
Decaying Cactus
Prickly Pear

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