Scientific Photography Final: Micrography
These images were originally captured in black and white using a SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope (which is a super awesome machine that I think everyone should use to look at items under if ever given the chance). I later added color to these photographs in Photoshop using a tutorial I found online.
For this final project I got to choose from a 3-minute time lapse, astrophotography, high-speed photography, and micrography. Although I chose micrography, I still made a short time lapse and captured a couple high-speed photographs for extra credit which I will be sharing later.
It was cool getting to look at these tiny creatures under such a powerful microscope! God has created every being to be so intricate and unique which is so apparent when you're seeing them up close. Take a look at what I'm talking about!
Below are some close-up snapshots of ants and scorpions. 7 of the 10 images were both composed and edited by me while the other 3 were composed by Kaylee and then edited by me for the purpose of meeting the minimum requirement of this project. Those 3 photos are attributed to Kaylee within the captions that accompany each image.
(A special thanks to Aubrey Funke for taking the time to show me what she's so passionate about.)