Alex's Senior Pictures

I love celebrating such big events with clients - engagements, senior year, families home for the holidays. But I've got to admit it's even more fun to celebrate with my own family and friends as they enter into a new stage of life!
This last month I got to capture senior memories for my cousin, Alex. I can't believe she's already a senior! I still remember babysitting her back when she was only in elementary school. (Although, it was more like just hanging out with her and her siblings to make sure no one got hurt since we are pretty close in age... still crazy though!) I'm so excited for her and this next adventure she has coming up. Just 2 and a half more months now before graduation... woohoo!
Alex's senior session was so much fun! We drove around the Salt River and Saguaro Lake until we found the perfect spot for her portraits. Alex's boyfriend, Logan, even tagged along to make her laugh throughout the whole session. He was also a great assistant helping with lighting and keeping track of Alex's lacrosse stick.

Thanks for helping out so much, Logan!!
Are you a senior wanting to capture some of your high school memories before it's too late? Contact me, and let's start planning your session!