The Salt River: B&W vs Color

As you may know, I'm taking a Black and White Photography class this semester, and it's been really challenging my photography style, especially in the way I see and capture different scenes.
For instance, it has me viewing landscapes, people, and other possible subjects in black and white. And by that, I mean I'm evaluated the subject for contrast, highlights, shadows, and other details in a different way than if I were trying to capture the same image in color.
While at Alex's senior session, I stole a couple of snapshots of the location we were shooting at in between the portraits I was taking of her. We were somewhere along the Salt River in one of the most gorgeous little areas in Arizona.
(Side note: People who don't think the desert is pretty are C-R-A-Z-Y and probably haven't experienced the same desert I have had the pleasure of exploring.)
Anyways, I knew I would be editing these images in black and white for an assignment I had coming up, but being the colorful photographer I am, I just had to edit them in color first to see what it would look like before converting them over to black and whites.
When all was said and done, I ended up using Lightroom, Photoshop, AND Nik Silver Efex Pro (and if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this blog post describing the differences between the three). To be completely honest, I probably did too much editing with the black and white photos, but I'm not too upset with the outcome!
Let me know which black and white edit you like best, and if you preferred the photograph better in black and white or in color. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!