Fall 2016 Recap: Semester Abroad

I am writing this on my way home from my first semester in Greece. I have so many mixed feelings about the fact that this semester has officially come to an end. I feel like I've made a lifetime of memories in a mere 3 and half months, which felt like they went by so fast and so slow all at the same time. There are many things I'm excited for about coming home and so many things I will miss about this past semester. Since I am an unreasonably organized person at times, as it has been pointed out to me many times this month, I will make a few lists to sort through my thoughts:
Things I am excited for about being home:
Seeing Jonah, my family, and friends
Not having a 9-10 hour time difference between me and home (and having to calculate when I can call home and when I can't)
Flushing toilet paper again
Being barefoot in my house - my roommates and I were a little messy
My dog
No language barriers
Mexican food
Sushi - it's not the same in Greece
People not staring at me without smiling
Customer service and systems I'm used to
Familiar faces and places
My bed
Arizona sunsets
The three things I will miss the most about this semester:
Things I'm looking forward to when I return for another semester in Greece:
Seeing my friends who will still be in Greece
Traveling some more
Island hopping
Paying less than $5 for dinner
Downtown Athens
Crepes - I know it's a French food, but the Greeks do it well
Bakeries - I'm especially excited for those
Not tipping (or tipping very little)
Practicing my Greek (and making a fool out of myself while doing it)
To all my friends who will be going back to the states, I hope to visit and see again in the future. I miss you already and wish you the best in life! I'm so sad after saying goodbye to so many great people, but I'm happy I have so many memories to look back on and remember with them. Here's to a great (and hopefully long) Christmas break at home and plans to return to Greece next month!